So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Ezekiel 22:30
One week ago, I issued our Lenten challenge. I too took this challenge and I cannot believe what God has shown me. God is showing me so much about the one I called to pray for!
Just wanted to share a few thoughts about this concept of intercessory prayer.
The term "standing in the gap" comes from the passage in Ezekiel above. Ezekiel was called by the Lord to do some pretty crazy things, and this prophet of whom much is recorded was obedient to God in his calling.
Ezekiel ministered in some pretty turbulent times in history.
He had some hard messages, some unusual antics but as God showed His displeasure with our sin, He also promised comfort and reconciliation to those who repented. For a great look at this, take a look at Ezekiel 37, the passage of the valley of the dry bones!
You, by accepting the Lenten Challenge are Standing in the GAP for the person who God has called to to.
I am praising God that you answered, if you look at the end of the verse above,
NO ONE answered this call to STAND IN THE GAP in this prophecy.
Your prayers and what God is showing you will make a huge difference in two lives, YES the one you are praying for and perhaps even more so FOR YOU!
As you are praying, what is God showing you? What needs does this person have? Perhaps you are to send a card of encouragement, or help them their homework, or just call them to hang out!
Standing in the Gap means being present with them. We are calling on the Lord, but as we call, we must also listen.
I would like to take more time with this, but my time is short to write this today.
Here is the web site that the image came from
It's a hard core site about praying for a lost world. These folks are committed to being in the GAP for many and there are some incredible testimonies about those who have come to faith. Don't are called to do anything more but call out to God and follow His lead in your life!
Let's pray....
Lord we continue to lift up ____________. Help us to picture them right now_________________. Show us how we can love them in tangible ways_________________. Help us to listen to You , to them, and to seek you and grow in your peace on this journey we are on to celebration, AMEN!
A tale of a preacher girl trying to seek God, walk in His will and honor what is important to Him.
welcome to the hike!
Working out the call!
I currently living in Millersburg or as God whispered in me ear four years ago in PA, "the land of my Fathers!" MILLERS - burg! OK! The best way to describe my life of late, is simply "Pastor-at-Large" I live "outside the box" of our usual expectation of life, family, employment and even culture. I live, breathe, and weave around a four county area as a local missionary and have learned of so many supportive faith communities. I meet people who contact me where they are in their 'hike 'o life."
The hats I wear are that of Life Coach, Writer, Speaker, Retreat Facilitator, Pastoral Supply, Prayer Counselor and well, whatever God calls on me to do (I actually get paid to do all of these things, which is awesome, unless you are helping me with my books!) I also work to "tent-make my mission work" as a church secretary for a sweet fellowship pastored by one of my favorite seminary prof's.
So what do I want to be when I grow up? Stay tuned! The goals are big and staying solvent month by month is a huge victory, but as I see my own heart and others hearts change and grow in my daily walk, I realize, I am not working for treasures on earth....I have direct deposit above. Guess that's a pretty sweet ride! Lacing up my hiking boots...on the hike o' life!
I currently living in Millersburg or as God whispered in me ear four years ago in PA, "the land of my Fathers!" MILLERS - burg! OK! The best way to describe my life of late, is simply "Pastor-at-Large" I live "outside the box" of our usual expectation of life, family, employment and even culture. I live, breathe, and weave around a four county area as a local missionary and have learned of so many supportive faith communities. I meet people who contact me where they are in their 'hike 'o life."
The hats I wear are that of Life Coach, Writer, Speaker, Retreat Facilitator, Pastoral Supply, Prayer Counselor and well, whatever God calls on me to do (I actually get paid to do all of these things, which is awesome, unless you are helping me with my books!) I also work to "tent-make my mission work" as a church secretary for a sweet fellowship pastored by one of my favorite seminary prof's.
So what do I want to be when I grow up? Stay tuned! The goals are big and staying solvent month by month is a huge victory, but as I see my own heart and others hearts change and grow in my daily walk, I realize, I am not working for treasures on earth....I have direct deposit above. Guess that's a pretty sweet ride! Lacing up my hiking boots...on the hike o' life!
1 comment:
Darcy - this is a terrific post and a great encouragement to me to continue "standing in the gap"! Thank you for your pure heart and love for God and others! I know that you are faithful to standing in the gap for so many! And so many are blessed by those prayers! Love you!
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